Well, what a result!! Only two months since I brought you the frightening report that the Spice Girls were going to "sing" for Nelson Mandela at his 90th Birthday bash, it has now been disclosed that they have cancelled those plans - Mr Mandela has since come out of hiding and can only be described as 'Beaming' at the news.

"Loopy Spice" has said that she never intends to sing again, ("Thank ****" said the crowd) now though, after gaining inspiration from the Ernie Wise Plays "what he wrote" she sees herself as a writer and wants to use this idiom to, and I quote, "to re-ignite girl power". I'm not saying that she is out of touch with reality but after giving the interview she re-boarded the little pink choo-choo train to La-La Land. Another of the Spices has immersed herself totally in silicone for preservation purposes ("Its my way of being Green") and one other sees her future in her underwear.
Interestingly and REALLY bizarrely, I have been contacted by someone who has asked if there is anyone out there who would like to swap his Spice Girls CD for a copy of 'Motor City' (that great CD featuring some of Brums finest). I don't believe in miracles personally or that there would be anybody who could be 'that' lacking in musical integrity but..........................? Drop me a line if you want to do it, I will withhold your name for fear of reprisals from sane people.
THE MOVE -REMASTERED CD's. If you're a fan of The Move you will want to check out John's terrific review of their remastered CD's on the Reviews section on the Brumbeat home page.
Geoff has just had a replacement knee cap operation, so there'll be no doing the Watusi for you me lad. Get well soon mate and I hope you've kept the knee cap to use as an ashtray, never waste anything. Rumours abound that he may be doing some gigs as the Limpin' Berries.....
I possess an open and quizzical mind, so when recently The Pope said "Sex can become a drug" I think to myself "How does he know??"
The passing of rock legend Bo Diddley at the age of 79 was announced this month. As reported over the past year, Bo had collapsed whilst on stage and was taken into hospital. He never fully recovered and suffered a series of relapses. He was truly one of the "Main Men" of the Beat groups and the backbone of Rythmn and Blues. Long may he reign...................
If like me, you are an afficionado of old equipment, this amplifier will be intriguing. Apart from Watkins with their cheap and cheerful Copycat echo chamber and Binson with their very fine and expensive Echolette model there was one other make that would occasionally surface and that was the Meazzi, made in Italy. There were the normal post war jokes about it only operating 'in reverse' but it was a well built piece of kit. I was amazed to have come across the following picture of a Meazzi Ultrasonic Amplifier with built in echo chamber.

I'd never seen one of these before, so if you have any info about what it was like drop me a line.
My thanks to Colin Heard who contacted me last month regarding the best and worst guitar shops in the midlands - even Dudley, past and present. Was it ESP or simply coincidence that his e-mail arrived just a couple of hours before I pushed the 'Publish' button on my computer for last months blog which I had already centred on the one friendly music shop I know. Now thats spooky!!
For all you Birmingham City supporters (or should that be supporter!), my condolences go out to you. Still, look on the bright side, the ticket prices should go down. That should cheer you up Noga.
I'm in the process of packing a few things to go and visit with a very dear old muso friend from the 60's. He's been known to like a drink or two so, alcohol poisoning permitting, I should be able to ferret out some stories that I might be able to pass on to you next month. If I remember anything!!
A memorial gig for the late Mel Stanton will be held at the Tower of Song on 28 June. This is only a small venue so get yerself along there and have a great night with some Brumbeat heroes taking the stage. All proceeds to the Heart Foundation.
AND FINALLY............ Following the publication, last month, of the photo of John Woodhouses band PASSPORT, I have been beseiged by correspondence asking what Father Ted is doing on the drums? Just Feckin about I imagine, or causing a fight like most drummers do. Check it out.
Oops, nearly forgot to say Happy 40th Birthday to Kylies arse.
Tara a bit
Contributions or comments to Bobsbullocks@gmail.com
Copyright BullsHead Bob.
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