Hi Brummies and Associates,
The end of the year approaches, and what a year it has been! Mr Blaiiirrrgh!! and his fat henchman have left the hallowed halls of parliament.
The catering statistics for the year have shown an immediate drop in the demand for extra fattening pies.
The catering statistics for the year have shown an immediate drop in the demand for extra fattening pies.
My thanks go out to all my mates who contributed articles to the Six Of The Best series.........the last one this month from Dave Morgan rounds off the run of articles. There are probably some great stories still to be told out there, if you have something then why not drop me a line....!!! You dont have to be that famous to feature, just interesting stories about your Brumbeat days.......
Great to see Steve Winwood back in action this year with a few UK concerts especially his set at Highclere Castle in May. If you missed it, there are some parts of the concert on You Tube with Mr Clapton. Steve's voice is just as great as ever and his many talents just as prevalent - long may he reign.
The Brum Rockers are on tour and will be featuring their extended line up this month at the Town Hall with very special guests. (see Alex's Pie Stand).
As reported on the Reviews page of the main site, The Move have reformed and are on the road. Roy Wood is pissed off. Still I wouldn't worry Roy, Trevor will no doubt, cause upsets in that line up until he's on his own yet again.

The remastered series of The Move CD's are on release and should sound quite fresh to those who have not got the CDs in their collection. Naturally Roy will be saying thanks a lot for the royalties (so he can't be that annoyed).
The Solitaires

I have received a 'goldmine' of information about The Solitaires, including their gig book and it makes for fascinating viewing. Look for a feature article soon on these "Brumbeat LP' greats soon.......
Johnny Neal's South Arican house is up for sale for anyone who's interested. So far he has been approached by an agent representing three Holy men !!!
No, I'm not refering to the lovely 'Miss Katrina' in her leather clad outfits but to the world beating Watkins Dominator amplifier. This amp was the one piece of equipment that EVERY guitarist wanted to own when it first made its appearance. Not only was it the biggest British amplifier available but was the loudest, with the wind behind it, it would subject your ears to 17 watts of gut wrenching sound!!....

Anyone who was around in those Brumbeat days wanted to own this amplifier including Megan Davies who stated in her Six of the Best article, "When Martin Baggot bought a Watkins Dominator we thought we'd arrived!!"
It's styling was so unconventional from the normal 'square box' amps that were available or the wire cage Linear Conchord and it was so pretty as well. Its chevron fronted shape was meant to enhance the output sound distribution though the accuracy of that statement was very doubtful. It was avaiable in blue, maroon and some say, black and white too.

There was of course the in-built tremolo effect, with plug-in footswitch control. If you were extremely lucky you could have had bought the Copicat echo chamber to go with it and then you could have been assured that every other guitarist would look at you with much envy as you set up your gear for the night.
Preparing your echo setting for 'Apache' or 'Twenty Flight Rock'.

Watkins as a brand name then changed to WEM and Charlie Watkins amplifiers were used by many many groups during the sixties including The Move.
These days Charlie Watkins sells accordians but there is a 'Potted History' page about Watkins gear written by him at http://www.wemwatkins.co.uk/. ,should you be interested and of course there is a dedicated Watkins guitar site run by the very nice Reg Godwin (see Brumbeat Links). He has a wealth of knowledge about all things Watkins.
OK youse guys (oops, been watching too much Sopranos) thats it for this month.
Take Care and keep the information pouring in.........its your history.
Contributions and/or comments to Bobsbullocks@Gmail.com.
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