Saturday, 1 March 2025

Bulls Head Bob Mar 2025. Jimmy Holden RIP.

 Hi you Brummies, Brummies Abroad.   

My apologies for the absence of the February blog but with one of the Bobettes being taken into hospital at the end of Jan my focus has been on her recovery.  


On the 29th of January, Jimmy Holden, ex Uglys drummer and founder of the band was laid to rest at the Lodge Hill Crematorium,  his funeral was attended by the many friends Jim had.    He had the nicest of personalities and was loved by all the Brummie Musicians of the day.  

Jim had formed The Dominettes who had then become The Uglys in 64, named after some hideous looking bouncers at a nightclub.   The name struck a chord with the public and the band took off in a big way scoring a Pye Records deal in 1965 with a self penned song "Wake up My Mind" which, although getting plenty of airplay was not a hit in the UK, amazingly however it became a Number 1 hit in Australia.  The band were being lined up to go there on The Rolling Stones tour of the same year, however the Aussie Musicians Union wouldn't permit another British band on the Bill.  The song would become famous as being the first "Socially Conscious" piece of music and its lyrics featured as part of the curriculum of Newcastle University sociology degree course.

Jim was one of the nicest guys you could meet, always interested in others peoples lives and good at lending an ear to others problems.    He was also a great group drummer, he wasn't the most technical but was the glue that held the Uglys together in the same manner that Ringo did in The Beatles, simple but effective.  Always smiling and never happier than when he was sat behind his drum kit.    He especially loved his contribution on "The Quiet Explosion" which saw him playing the Bass line with his drumsticks.   I met him in 1965 when the band had their gear stolen and we loaned them all our kit till they got sorted out.  They were brilliant.  It doesn't  seem like it was 60 years ago that I was chatting with him at The Carlton.

He could talk the hind legs off a donkey and had a million stories to regale you with and all of them hilarious.   

After his departure from The Uglys he formed his own printing business and continued playing semi pro as a member of the House Band at the Rum Runner for a number of years.

Jim far right.

2024 saw the release of The "Complete" Uglys CD and the band reunited socially for the first time since 69 at a get together to celebrate the occasion although there was no commitment or agreement to them playing live again.

I loved his company along with his many friends both in the music biz and with his social group at the Black Horse 

in Northfield. 

I shall think often of him.   RIP old friend.

There is a more comprehensive write up on the pie stand page at Brumbeat.NET. as well as a host of interesting and informative articles regarding all the Brumbeat bands during the 1960's for you to enjoy.

I'm pleased to say that my daughter is well and truly on the mend so everything should be back on track for next months blog, irreverence, mirth, the continuing saga of Mrs Bob, Brummies Abroad and a host of other stuff to get your interest.  

Thanks to you all for visiting the blog.  Why not drop me a line if you have anything interesting or otherwise to say.

Much Love 


Copyright: Bullsheadbob 


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