Hello Brummies, Friends, Brummies Abroad, Muso's, Afficionados
Well here I am back at the old house, tucked up in bed after my summer long hospital stay. I'm still convalescing, so once again I'm afraid that this will be quite a short blog. I thought that I could lie in bed and shout down the stairs to Lucy "I'd love a cup of tea" or other reasonable requests, given my delicate state, but she seems to have developed a bad case of deafness and a sharp increase in the usage of the word Bollocks!! A quick word of thanks to all those lovely NHS people who nursed me through my month long ordeal and also my thanks go out to some of you kind folk who sent me e mails wishing me a speedy recovery. Alex, my special on-line metaphysical physiotherapist, assigned to improving my positive mental attitiude, has sent me a leaflet outlining a few simple Yoga exercises to make me supple again so, being a sharing type of person I thought I would pass them onto you in case you wanted to try them out for yourselves:

It's great when you can reunite some BRUMBEAT muso mates. Norm Crandles, formerley Lee Stevens (and The Satellites), pictured on the left, flew across the pond from Canada for a reunion with old buddie Johnny Neal, co-incidentally, their respective wives are both called Maggie! No doubt there were some 'War stories' flying about, broken down vans, crap agents, "I was always much better than people said" etc etc... Johnny is an avid Birmingham City supporter and Norm a Villa fanatic so Johnny must have been gutted when the Mighty Villa trounced the Blues the day this picture was taken, Norm's smile says it all really!! I hear that another get together is planned for the future. Good on you guys, its nice to know that the ties that bind us are still strong.

copyright BullsHeadBob, Contact Bobsbullocks@GMail.com
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