Tuesday 1 October 2024

Bulls Head Bob October 2024. The Missing Blog. Bobs Rapier Wit.

Hello My friends,  


I apologise for the absence of the September Blog and give thanks to those who emailed to see if I was OK, it means a lot to me, thanks muchly

Sometimes lifes priorities preclude my enjoyment and time writing the blog for, I hope, your reading enjoyment.  Suffice to say that I had to help a family member and that took me away from my normal monthly activities.   It is the last day of September and I'm ensconced in the Bloggery typing away drinking lots of coffee to keep me awake.   

Mrs Bob is busy making an ornamental fish pond and I can hear her mixing up some cement outside in the new mixer I got her for our wedding anniversary, it's a deluxe model with a reverse rotation ability (RRA) which comes with a remote control, I've heard her saying "I'm sending it back" several times so the remote must be in use a lot.   I'm glad I made the right choice once again but I just wish she could be quieter.  

I've been really busy too. I've been growing my beard whilst listening to mostly, love songs which really are the most emotionally charged musical memory vehicles, quite simply, the greatest songs, the songs we remember the most.   This summer, me and Mrs Bob have been enjoying each others company and kind of falling in love again after 50 years together and the magic is still there.  That's why songwriters continue writing love songs, it's the greatest thing and we all have our favourites that are designated as "our song".   

Our personal songs are  "God Only Knows", "I'm not in Love" and "In My Life" to name our top three.  We were parted for 3 months just after we married in 1974 when I was sent to foreign parts to do my duty for Queen and Country, the song then was "When will I see you Again" by the 3 Degrees, it's not a favourite at all but was relevant at the uncertainty of the situation we were in at the time.   

Today we are all living in uncertain times with hundreds of thousands soldiers, sailors and airmen and their sweethearts  listening to their own shared songs all hoping for an end to the Russian brutality and one man's greed for power.

Let's hope this world turmoil comes to an end soon for our children's sakes.


In 1959 when it was almost impossible to buy a Fender Stratocaster because of trade restrictions with the USA or the expense of buying a class guitar, practically all British guitarists were looking for a solid body electric guitar that didn't cost a fortune and linked them to the best known guitarist and band,  of the day, The Shadows, featuring Hank B Marvin and Hank had a Red Stratocaster.   

The market forces were ready for a cheap lookalike and Charlie Watkins answered the call by manufacturing the Watkins Rapier which was red and had a similar body shape as a Strat.  It came in a couple of configurations and the 3 pick up model retailed at 29 Guineas which worked out at 11 pounds per pick up.  

Although it had the same body shape, the body itself was stick thin and lightweight.  In those days no consideration was given to resonance or wood type.  Practically every group in Birmingham at that time equipped themselves with Rapiers to put through their 11 watt Watkins Westminster amps and Watkins Copycat echo machines playing all the Shadows hits.  
It was cheap and cheerful and sold by the gazillions in the UK.  It was nothing more than a starter guitar though and as soon as money became available they were quickly replaced by a "proper" instrument and the pawn shops were full of Rapiers.

RE-BIRTH.  When guitar companies re-issue guitars it is normally based on the qualities of the original model which either had great electronics, a distinct sound or body shape.   Burns have re-issued several of its models which had the original potent sonic pick ups that had latterly been installed into Brian May's home built Red guitar thus elevating the electronics to a 'must have' for todays guitar fans.

I was therefore puzzled that the Rapier which was purpose built with economy in mind, didn't sound good and was made from cheap materials was re-issued and is in the shops with the Rapier 33 selling for £389.00!  

The manufacturers are saying that it's a 're-imagined' Rapier, a completely different guitar with good pick ups and a thicker body, essentially a whole new package which makes me wonder at the marketing logic of issuing it again based on cheap starter guitar nostalgia alone.  If you have bought a new one, I hope you're happy, it's a personal choice at the end of the day but really it wasn't a classic guitar with a demand for a reissue at all in my humble opinion.


Normal service will be resumed next month with Bob's Shopping tips for Christmas......time to raid your piggy bank.   

Take care my friends and as usual love the one you're with.


Copyright: Bullsheadbob 

Contact: Bobsbullocks@Gmail.com